As per the report, around four thousand cases were settled on a single day in the National Lok Adalat organized in the District Court Mathura. District Judge Ajeet Singh said that not only 3025 cases were settled but an amount around INR 98,30,329 is also realized for 18 execution cases as decree amount. Other cases consisting of 21 behavioural cases and one motor accident case, compensation claim of INR 7,50,000 and compensation of INR 1,42,95,000 in motor accident claim cases are also passed.
Besides all these, it dealt with succession cases and negotiable instrument cases tune of INR 92,15,170 and INR 40,00,613. The bank pre-litigation cases of around 76 in numbers were not settled worth INR 14,04,078.
Lok Adalat is a very effective institution of alternative dispute resolution, where the cases pending in the court of law or at pre-litigation stage are settled amicably. Legal Services Authorities Act 1987 has given statutory status to Lok Adalats. The decision or decree of Lok Adalat is final and binding like a civil court. If a matter is pending in the court, it can be referred to the Lok Adalat for speedy redressal. Lok Adalat does not decide the matter on its own instance, it gets decided on the basis of the compromise or settlement between the parties.
Let us know which cases and how you can take your case to Lok Adalat:
- Any case which is pending before the court, or any dispute which has not actually been brought to the court but has a chance to taken to the court, can be directly brought before Lok Adalat for redressal.
- The offence must not be non-compoundable in nature.
- The matter or the subject matter of the case falls under the jurisdiction of the Lok Adalat
- If the matter is pending before the court, or potential matter did not file before a court yet, can be taken to a Lok Adalat by just giving an application to the District or State Legal Services Authority.
- The authority on being satisfied that the matter can be solved by settlement, shall refer it to the Lok Adalat, and the opponent will be sent a legal notice for appearing before the Lok Adalat.
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