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Criminal Law

Juvenile Justice Board Reserved the Judgement in Ryan Murder Case

The judgement in regard with the class XI student accused in the case of pradyuman murder case has been reserved by the Juvenile Justice Board tin ll December 13. The juvenile justice board was hearing the matter pertaining to the application for fingerprint of the juvenile accused.

The judgement in regard with the class XI student accused in the case of pradyuman murder case has been reserved by the Juvenile Justice Board tin ll December 13. The juvenile justice board was hearing the matter pertaining to the application for fingerprint of the juvenile accused and also on the application of Barun Thakur, Pradyuman’s father that the juvenile be tried as an adult.

The 16 year old who is accused for the murder of pradyuman appeared before the juvenile justice board and was remanded to judicial custody for 14 days. The board has ordered to put the accused in the observation home and has been ordered to be appeared before the board on December 20.

The Advocate appearing on behalf of Pradyuman’s father stated that the accused’s sociological and psychological report has been submitted in a sealed cover to the juvenile justice board. He further said that the report and three pending applications were be decided in totality on the next date.

On the other hand,the Supreme Court on December 11 will decide on the matter of the cancellation of the anticipatory bail of the trustees of the Ryan International School.

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Reviewed by:
Mehak Sharma
Published on 10-Dec-17