On Wednesday the Chief Justice of India Dipak Mishra held that the to strengthen cyber laws is the obligation of the states and there is need to concentrate on the cyberspace emerging issues relating to legal, policy and regulatory framework.
While inaugurating the International Conference on Cyberlaw, Cybercrime and Cybersecurity stated that the concept of sovereignty of Indian Constitution cannot be diluted.
While addressing the conference he said that there are constant changes in the cyber law and because of these changes the cyber law and crime have a great significance and importance for its stakeholders.
He further added that judiciary is also required to be updated with all the latest trends in the cyber law as at the end these issues will come for adjudication by the judiciary. He stated there are lot of issues are emerging in the cyberspace be it legal or regulatory. The Stakeholders, lawmakers and judiciary need to be abreast with the upcoming trends in the cyber law.
He further stressed that there is a need for international committee but for that sovereignty of the Constitution cannot be diluted as in India constitution is the supreme authority and it is the duty of every citizen to protect the sovereignty of constitution. He stressed on the fact that it is the obligation of the states to strengthen Cyber laws and there has to be a regulatory framework and experts to stop the nuisance makers in the Cyberspace.
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