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Criminal Law

1993 Mumbai Bomb Blast Convict Tahir Merchant Execution Stayed by the Supreme Court

Tahir Merchant was awarded with the death sentence for the 1993 bomb blast in Mumbai, the execution of the same has been stayed by the supreme court.

Tahir Merchant was awarded with the death sentence for the 1993 bomb blast in Mumbai, the execution of the same has been stayed by the supreme court.

The bench headed by the Chief Justice Dipak Mishra heard the appeal against the order of the Special Terrorism and DIsruptive Activities Act (TADA) court. The court has convicted and awarded death sentence to the Firoz Abdul, Rashid Khan and Tahir Merchant for the bomb blast in Mumbai in 1993.

The bench of the supreme court has directed the court’s registry to call for the records from the lower courts. Bench further directed the State of Maharashtra to collect and compile all the evidence of the case in totality and to file the compilation in volumes. The bench further directed to serve the copies of the volume so filed to the counsel appearing on behalf of the appellant. The matter has been adjourned to 14 March 2018.

In 1993 in different parts of the mumbai 12 bombs were exploded, injuring 73 people and taking lives of 257 people. Damages of worth Rs 23 crore property were also sustained due to bomb blast.

Abu Salem, Mustafa Dossa, Karimullah Khan, Firoz Abdul Rashid Khan and Tahir Merchant were declared  guilty by the GA Sanap, Special TADA judge under sections 120B, 302, 307, 326, 427, 435, 436, 201 and 212 of the Indian Penal Code and sections 3, 3(3), 5, 6 of the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Rapid Protection Act, and provisions of the Arms Act, Explosive Substances Act and the Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act.

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Reviewed by:
Mehak Sharma
Published on 05-Dec-17