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The Central Register

15A. The Central Register (1) The Central Council shall cause to be maintained in the prescribed manner a register of pharmacists to be known as the Central Register, which shall contain the names of all persons for the time being entered in the register for a State. (2) Each State Council shall supply to the Central Council five copies of the register for the State as soon as may be after the first day of April of each year, and the Registrar of each State Council, shall inform the Central Council, without delay, all additions to, and other amendments in, the register for the State made from time to time. (3) it shall be the duly of the Registrar of the Central Council to keep the Central Register in accordance with the orders made by the Central Council, and from time to time to revise the Central Register and publish it in the Gazette of India. (4) The Central Register shall be deemed to be public document within the meaning of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 and may be proved by the production of a copy of the Register as published in the Gazette of India.

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