Twitter War Alleging Data Mishandle Prevented INC App From Functioning

After an alleged hacker tweeted alleging that the INC App is sharing its users' data with Singapore which lead to a twitter war between BJP and Congress blaming each other for data handling through their respective apps. They also brought in public certain activities and privacy policy terms of each other trying to show each other as offenders. This led to the defunctioning of the INC App for a while.

By Rashmita Das in Cyber Crime


March 26, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

After the news reporting based on BJP’s allegation about data sharing by the “with INC” app, the social media head of the Congress party tweeted saying that the app shall not be functioning for a while.


Divya Spandana, the social media head of the Congress party mentioned in twitter that the URL for membership on the INC app shall not function for a while at present. She further mentioned that the membership is through the INC website which is not difficult to understand. There had already been a tweet war between the Congress president Rahul Gandhi and BJP when the news became viral that the Congress deleted its official mobile app.


The whole turmoil occurred after an anonymous hacker named Elliot Alderson tweeted early today, alleging that Congress is sharing the users’ personal data with Singapore. Later he reportedly said that the party might have got scared when he said he will look into their app.


BJP made their first attack for the day alleging that the data of the users of the Congress party’s website are being shared with Singapore through a tweet by Amit Malviya, the information technology head of BJP with a screenshot of unexplained numbers and IP addresses. In consequence to that, Rahul Gandhi tweeted with hashtag #DeleteNamoApp alleging that Namo App records audio, video, contacts and location of the users secretly like it is done in the TV show named Bigg Boss. He also claimed that 13 lakh NCC cadets have been forced to download the App because he wants their data now.


Rahul Gandhi referred a French cybersecurity researchers’ allegation recently that Namo App shares the users’ data with a US-based behavioural analytical company. In answer to the allegation made, BJP answered that the data were used only for analytics, and Malviya cited a portion of Congress website’s privacy policy to show it is guilty. The portion says that for making the website more useful and effective they can share the data with vendors, consultants, and other service providers or volunteers of the party and who need the access to such information for the purpose to carry out some work for the party. Anyways, it was just a portion which had been exposed, rest of which had mentioned about the consent that is to be taken for such purpose.


What to do to get your data secured?

  • First of all, data are vulnerable in today's’ world, thus one needs to be very careful while sharing the personal data with an app.
  • Check the authenticity of the app, if it is verified by any of the trusted authority, then only proceed to download it.
  • Read the terms and conditions of the app carefully.
  • Share that much data as much as required. Do not share extra which are not mandatory.
  • Do not hesitate to crosscheck if the app asks for any of your data, which you are being suspicious about.
  • In case you have some evidence that there has been a data theft, approach the nearest cyber cell as soon as possible.


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